CF - The Coffee Factory
CF stands for The Coffee Factory
Here you will find, what does CF stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate The Coffee Factory? The Coffee Factory can be abbreviated as CF What does CF stand for? CF stands for The Coffee Factory. What does The Coffee Factory mean?The wholesale business firm is located in Giethoorn, Overijssel, Netherlands.
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Alternative definitions of CF
- Confer
- Chronic Fatigue
- Cold Fusion
- Cross Reference
- Compact Flash
- Compact Flash
- Compact Flash
- Cystic Fibrosis
View 452 other definitions of CF on the main acronym page
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- CHWC Catholic Heart Work Camp
- CP The Capital Partnership
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- CBCRS CBC Resourcing Solutions
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- CIFAH Central Illinois Flying Aces Hockey
- CPB Crowne Plaza Belgrade
- CHSSC The Christ Hospital Spine Surgery Center
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- CHTS Colorado Hi-Tech Solutions
- CTE Cadet Training and Employment